Prajwal Bharadwaj

Genetic Mischeif Makers: The Thrilling Tale of Jumping Genes

Jumping genes are powerful hitchhikers that inhabit the DNA of all walks of life from microbes to humans. These rogue elements have the remarkable ability to rewire bacterial genomes providing boosts and superpowers to their hosts. Join me on this journey to unravel the secrets of these miniature genetic adventurers showcasing their quest for survival and self-interest within the world of bacteria. They are just short stretches of DNA but they can do so much! It's a story of intrigue, innovation, and evolution that's sure to leave you astounded by the tiny but mighty inhabitants of the bacterial world.

The world around us is teeming with life from the tiniest microbe to the innocous fruit fly to the most complext plant. Within the DNA that all these life forms are made up of, these are a hidden world of minuscule rebels known as mobile genetic elements. Now, these aren’t your run-of-the-mill genes; they are hitchhikers of the genetic highway.

Some of these genetic mischeif makers are called plasmids. Imagine a puddle with millions of bacteria floating around, going to the brewery, living their life. This puddle also contains thousands of plasmids floating around. These plasmids are like USB sticks and when the bump into a bacteria, they plug in and install new software into the bacteria.
This allows the bacteria to do things it could not do before - it gives them superpowers! A bacteria that was once struggling to survive in the puddle because of dissolved antibiotics can now not only thrive but also digest the antibiotics as food! That’s amazing for the bacteria but not so for us. Plasmids help the bacteria they are in gain an edge in the struggle for existence. They are treasure chests of the bacterial realm, holding unique genes that can turn ordinary bacteria into genetic superheroes.

But why do these genes jump around? They don’t care about bacteria - they’re on a quest for survival and self-interest, creating genetic mischief in the world of bacteria. Plasmids are trying to create their own story and write their own scripts in a world of bacterial Hitchcock’s, Nolan’s and Tarrantino’s.

It’s fascinating to imagine plasmids ’living’ within bacteria. It’s like a microscopic city with these tiny rebels reshaping the landscape of bacterial life. These genetic mishceif makers are the architects of genetic innovation, rewiring the bacterial genome to create new possibilities.

These plasmids are also capable of spreading very easily from one bacteria to another by a process called horizontal gene transfer! Once it enters a population it doesn’t take long before they spread to the whole population. It’s how when someone finds a pirated copy of a yet to be released movie and suddenly the whole university has watched it a week before!

Just imagine if we could do that – if we could pick up skills or powers just by sharing a friendly handshake! It would be cool to bump into Lewis Hamilton and suddenly you can go from the city center to your home in 4.5s. Or you shake hands with Mark Ruffallo but pick up his skills of riding a unicycle instead! That’s precisely what plasmids do on a microscopic scale. This is fascinating to study but also really scary because this is how things like antibiotic resistance spread in a hospital.

My work focuses on studying the secret handshake between plasmids and bacteria to understand how the spread, why they stay for long periods of time and what we can do about it! Plasmids are fascinating products of evolution. They are the ultimate genetic travelers, carrying the secrets of evolution in their tiny backpacks. It’s a story that may be small in scale but colossal in impact for the world around us!